Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I can't wait to move!!!!

We are moving within the next two weeks. I will be able to start showing my projects. I'm still learning how all this works but I'm sure I'll be able to figure this all out!!!! I'm just so excited to move!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Crafting is good for the stress

Crafting has been a way for me to relieve some of my stress, especially when Mike and Bryan are around. When Michael was here, he was so helpful when I was crafting. He was the one to encourage me and was really able to feel what I was trying to say with my projects!!!! One day I will be able to put pictures of my projects on my blogs to show what I can create!!!! Until the next blog good-night!!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My First Blog!!!!

I'm so excited about starting my first blog. I have heard about and seen so many blogs. I want to send a shout out to Carol Ann at Logan's Crafty Momma for her help in getting me started. This is my first blog!!!! I'm so happy!!!!